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Rain's Agenda

A Novel


70,000 words


The Third World has collapsed, and is dominated by gangsters and pirates. A twenty-year-old tabloid princess, nude sunbathing pictures all over the net and who once ordered a sex bot to her hotel room on a royal embassy, is all that prevents a nuclear war with Russia. In South America, terrorists are torching the Amazon, and decades-old tension between the Americans and the French prevent cooperation to hunt them down. And the Chinese are on top of the world.


Enter John Galveston, a suave, debonair, and vulgar grey marketeer. In a cashless society, he exclusively uses paper yuan, and bounces around the world selling anything and everything. He’ll come face to face with these fanatical terrorists, and in the process, find himself in an anarchic black hole – two thirds of South America is rumoured to be either an anarchist wasteland, or paradise. Yet that is only one mystery surrounding the enigmatic nation of Andea....

Content note: Language: liberal use of F-bomb, “See you next Tuesday”, “Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday” Sexual content: Sex scenes, cunnilingus Violence: Murder, terrorism, forest fires, looming threat of nuclear war Drugs/alcohol/illicit substances: Consumption of alcohol Race/gender/sexuality: Gender essentialism expressed as terrorism Personal rating: R

Read an excerpt
2,100 words
Listen to an Excerpt
16 minutes

This excerpt comes from Part 1. John Galveston visits a friend in Guiana after chauffeuring around a journalist, named Lucie. He chats up a skankbot ("skot"), and news breaks on the TV.

Music: "Indie Rock Guitar - Psychedelic - Can Be Used For Boombap" by KiestyleProductions via
Buy Audiobook (coming 2023)


" I really enjoyed it 😊 you did a great job with the concept!" - Anonymous from Twitter


Want more of Rain's Agenda?

There's an exclusive bonus scene - Enter the Tiger, a short stoty set in this world. This bonus scene only exists in The Special Edition of the audiobook. It's an additional 30(ish) minutes of material, written in the same style, adding that little extra onto the ending. The paperback came out in 2019, but Enter the Tiger wasn't written until 2024, as the audiobook is currently in production. It was an opportunity to revisit this world, and add a little spin on the ending.


More details will be coming soon, when the audiobook is released


Oh, and for those of you who don't go the route of listening to The Special Edition, have no fear - this bonus scene is strictly non-canonical. You're not missing anything crucial.

© 2013-2024 by Jason Shannon


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